Why You Should Care About Ranch Profitability

In recent years we’ve had the opportunity to host quite a few people on tours of the ranch. One of the common questions that I hear, especially from the conservation community, is “how do we encourage more ranchers to adopt more sustainable production practices or take on conservation efforts?”

One of the first answers I often give is that the conservation community, customers, and society in general needs to care about the economic sustainability of ranches if they want ranchers to care more about, or take more actions towards, environmental sustainability and wildlife conservation.

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Logan Mannix
2023 - Mannix Beef Year in Review

Consider this our ranch “Christmas Card.” Thank you all for following along and supporting our ranch stewardship efforts, either by buying our beef, sharing your knowledge, or just spreading the word! Following is a quick review of the year and what we learned, or what felt significant to us on the ranch in 2023.

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Logan Mannix
Mannix Grass-Finished Beef - FAQs

Included in this post are some of our most frequently asked questions, and some brief answers. If you want to know more, or if you have questions not answered here, please feel free to reach out! We’ll answer as honestly and accurately as we can.

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Logan Mannix
Home Delivery FAQs

Interested in getting your order delivered to your home? Check out our page answering a few frequently asked questions about home delivery, which will be starting in May 2022.

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Logan Mannix
What is Regenerative Agriculture?

Regenerative Agriculture is a term that we hear a lot today in conversations about agriculture, climate change, food systems, and human health, but it can have many different meanings depending on who is talking about it. So what does it mean to us, and what do we think it looks like on the ground?

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Logan Mannix
Looking ahead to 2022

One thing that is always true of land management and stewardship is that there will always be a lot to learn, and a lot to improve on. We thought we’d take a minute to share some, “new years resolutions.” Some projects we’d like to tackle, and management we’d like to improve on in 2022. This of course would have been more timely in January, but hey, being a little behind is about how things go on the ranch.

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Logan Mannix
Living with Predators on the Ranch

Ranching just south of the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex has given us a front row seat to the recovery of Grizzly Bear and Wolf populations over the last few decades. With increasing conflicts between people, carnivores, and livestock in the news recently, especially with the recent tragedy in Ovando, we felt it would be a good time to share a little about how we view these large carnivores, and how we are learning to reduce conflicts with them as we live and work in these landscapes.

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Logan Mannix
Conservation Easements on the Mannix Ranch

Although careful management of our livestock and grazing is probably the most important thing we can do to steward our resources, there are other important tools out there for land owners, and one of the ones we have used is conservation easements. What are are they, how do they work, what are their strengths and weaknesses, and how have we used them on the Mannix Ranch?

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Logan Mannix
From Birth to Butcher

By: Kate Clyatt

Have you ever seen that episode of Portlandia where two diners quiz the waitress about the life of the chicken on their menu? Where did the chicken live? What was its name? Did it have many chicken friends? Well, change chicken to beef, and we’ll delve into some of those questions you may have about the steak you’re about to enjoy.

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Logan Mannix
Get to know the Roasts

There is a misconception out there that the roasts are “lower quality” cuts on the animal. I think anyone who has had really good smoked tri tip, or melt in your mouth brisket would beg to differ. The roasts, although they can take some more care to prepare properly, can be some of the most delicious meals out there.

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What is "good" grazing?

We truly believe that good grazing is not just sustainable, but an essential tool for maintaining and improving rangeland health. But what is “good” grazing? We want to share a little bit about it means to us

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Logan Mannix
What Makes "Good" Grass-Fed Beef?

Some people have had less than ideal experiences with grass-fed beef. It can have a reputation for being lean, dry, and tough compared to beef people are used to. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Grass-fed beef, when done well, can be tender, juicy, and incredibly flavorful. There is no single recipe for raising great tasting beef, but here is some of what we’ve learned over the last 20 years about producing grass-fed beef with a great eating experience.

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Beef Bone Broth

This bone broth is nutrient dense and collagen rich – it can be sipped as a restorative broth on its own or used as a base for sauces, soups, or for cooking grains. The longer you cook this nourishing broth, the more savory and concentrated it will become!

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RecipesAda Smith