Family Owned and Operated
The Mannix Ranch is currently owned and operated by members of the third, fourth, and fifth generation. Darlene Mannix and her late husband Bert passed the ranch down to their three sons - David, Randy, and Brent - who along with their wives - Peggy, Mo, and Stacey - have managed the ranch since 1980. Recently, four members of the fifth generation have come back to the ranch to work full time and the interest continues to grow from others who come back to help during the summer months. We feel lucky to be confronted with the challenge of keeping up with a family interest in the business and strive to set a precedent for what sustainable and economically viable multi-generational ranching can look like in Montana today.
Randy and Mo, David and Peggy, Brent and Stacey
David is the oldest son and second of five in the fourth generation. His wife Peggy helps manage the ranches books in addition to watching three of her grandkids a few days a week. Randy has long managed livestock, irrigation, and infrastructure on the Spieker ranch, as well as the Raymond ranch, which was where Darlene’s father, Newman Raymond grew up. Randy also has a degree in forestry and spends a significant amount of time in the winter managing the ranches timber and hand harvesting a small amount of timber for boards and firewood. Randy’s wife Mo works off ranch as a speech pathologist during the school year. Brent Mannix, youngest of Bert and Darlene’s family has been the homestead chief of the original Mannix homestead. Aside from managing the infrastructure and irrigation on the main homestead brent helps build and maintain infrastructure and machinery ranch wide. His wife Stacey teaches in Lincoln, but also spends a significant amount of time helping on the ranch, especially on horseback for cattle drives.
Logan Mannix
Logan, second oldest of David and Peggy’s kids, came back to the ranch with his wife Kasey in spring of 2016. Logan took over management of grass-finished beef program in 2018 and is who you will see most often at the Missoula farmers market. Kasey works off ranch as a physical therapist in Helena. Logan and Kasey have three kids of their own, Holter, Maya, and Grady.
Bryan Mannix
Brent and Stacey’s son Bryan was the first to come back to the ranch full time when the ranch purchased a neighboring piece of property, the Wineglass Ranch, and needed help managing it. Bryan is the “homestead chief” of the Wineglass ranch, managing irrigation, livestock moves, and infrastructure on this part of the ranch. Bryan is married to Kate.
Jordan Mannix
Jordan Mannix, the youngest of David and Peggy’s four kids, has been back at the ranch since 2016. He is the “homestead chief”of the Henault ranch, a private ranch our family leases for our cattle operation. Jordan enjoys wood working when he’s not busy with ranch work.
Neil Mannix
Neil Mannix is the oldest of Mo and Randy’s three sons. Neil helps all over the ranch, but spends a majority of his time on the Spieker and Raymond ranch homesteads, as well as helping his dad Randy with timber management.
Erica left her teaching job and moved back to the ranch. She is working on the ranch fencing, haying, and moving cattle. Erica enjoys spending time with her horses and doing leather work.
There are 13 cousins in the Mannix family, 9 of which are children of the current shareholders. All of us feel a strong connection to this place, and our family.
Ashley has recently moved back to the ranch with her husband Taylor and son Newman. She helps Logan with the grass finished beef when she is not chasing a toddler around.
Brad is an important member of our team. He is the jack of all trades, spending time fencing, logging, and moving cows. He brings a positive attitude to work everyday. Brad is also an incredible artist.
Marty Sackman has worked as a ranch hand for our family during the summer for many years. In the winter, he drives the busses for the local school district.
Kate came to the ranch through the Quivira coalition in 2019. She and Bryan got married in 2021. Kate spends her time working with the cows and contributing to our verified natural program. When Kate is not busy on the ranch, she spends her time using natural dyes to dye wild rags.
Neil, Brad, Kate, and Erica gather for a quick meeting around the truck before starting the days’ work.